Monday, February 9, 2009

I will 25 weeks tomorrow -Feb 10th. I have been feeling good for the most part. I hate ever complaining because the things I would have to complain about are just aches and pains. There is nothing that is harming myself or the baby, so I should be grateful for that. I am grateful, but I still hurt. Chasing after 2 little ones doesn't help. I am already doing the pregnant wobble which I hate! My belly button is so close to popping out! I used to think it was so cute on pregnant women until it happened to me when I was pregnant with Faith. We still have no name picked out for this little guy. I am having such a hard time finding a name that I like and when I do Steven doesn't like it.

I had a parent teacher conference today. It went well. Faith is doing really well in class and they are even working on things with her that they normally just work on with the 4 year olds. They did mention that here fine motor skills could use some improvement, so I will be working on that with her. Faith really loves going to preschool. And I love having that quiet time while she is at school and Cadence naps. It will be even nicer I am sure when baby boy gets here.

Cadence is such a sweet girl. She is now saying "I don't know" as she shrugs her shoulders and also, "baby brobber". It is adorable. I can't believe in a few short months she will be 2!

I keep asking Faith what we should name her new brother and she tells me, "I don't know! I want to call him baby brother!" I am afraid no matter what we name him she isn't going to like it because he is simply baby brother. :) She also seems to think that SHE is the one having a baby. It is adorable. I keep trying to tell her that I am the one with the baby in my tummy and not her. She doens't seem to be buying it. I love how their little minds think.

Steven and I are heading off to Las Vegas next week on the 15th! I am really excited to get away. I don't care for Las Vegas but when you can go somewhere for free/cheap, you do it! We are going with some good friends of ours, so I now that will make it even better. It is supposed to be cold, so I am bummed about that, but will all be ok. I am sure once the time comes my biggest complaint will be that I ache and I hurt when I walk around. Such is the life of a pregnant woman.

Now for some pictures of my adorable girls. :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Trying to catch up

Wow, I got really behind! So much has gone on I don't even know where to begin! I guess I will start with, we are having a BOY! I was so shocked yet somehow knew. I told Steven by buying a few blue balloons. I didn't have to say a word, the blue balloons said it all. Faith likes to tell people (well, we kinda make her tell people) that she is going to have a baby brodder. :) I don't know that she fully understand yet though. I think I will talk more to the girls about it the closer we get. I have really started growing in the last few weeks! And I am finally feeling him move around. Most of the time it is just flutters, but a few times I felt some real strong movement! I love it! This is my favorite part of pregnancy, getting to feel the little one moving. It makes seeing the scale go up not so bad.

We told both of our families at Christmas and of course everyone is thrilled that we are having a little boy. It is almost like I am pregnant again for the 1st time, not the 3rd. I know people would be happy if we had a girl, but having something different...people just seem to react differently. Now we need to think up a name! I am so clueless! I think we are kinda getting around to some ideas, but no where near picking anything concrete.

Christmas was wonderful. We had 3 full days in a row of Christmas actually. Thursday we spent with us 4 and then onto Steven's family. Friday we hung out with my family and on Saturday we spent the day with Steven's extended family. It was a busy weekend! Of course, I started getting sick the week before, then Cadence got sick and Steven, Faith seems to be the only one who really didn't get too affected. Steven is now sick and I am still recovering from my cold. My whole family actually was sick the week of Christmas and a lot of Steven's family was as well. It made for an interesting time, but we all made the best of it.

Christmas morning I got up and started making some breakfast. We had no food in the house, so I made pancakes. The kids love them, so that went over very well.

This is out of order, I still don't know how to move pictures around, or if you even can!
Here are the girls enjoying there Christmas morning pancakes!

It even rained on the day of Christmas, we don't get snow, so this is as close as we can get!

Faith loved opening her gifts of course, Cadence got into it a little bit.

Yes, that is me in the background and I am wearing footsie(sp?) pj's.

I only put this in here becaue there are no pictures of me on Christmas morning, well none that look good.

Here is Steven modeling his new jeans. :) They were a little snug, but looked better as he wore them.

Faith opening their Kitchen present.

And enjoying a few (because they only got a few) presents.

I wish I had the pictures from all the other places we had Christmas, but I didn't take any. Shame on me. I did however get a video camera from my parents for Christmas! I couldn't believe it! It is so tiny! I love love love it! Now I just need to use it.
Here I am at 20 weeks pregnant. I swear I have popped out so much in the last couple of weeks! I don't feel like I look that pregnant! I think I look smaller in real life, but maybe I am just fooling myself.

We have slowly started potty training Cadence. When I say slowly I mean, putting her on the toliet a few times a day just to get her used to it. She seems so interested, so why fight it? She actually went 2 times today too! I am so proud of her. It would be so wonderful if she was potty trained by the time baby boy came! Or at least close to it! Faith potty trained at around 2 years and 9 months, so doing it at the beginning of 2 instead of the end of 2 would be awesome!
Cadence is amazing me so much. Her vocabulary has really been growing! She says so much! Some of my favorite phrases she is using are
*all done
*help me
*here you go
*Hi / Hello (instert name here)!
*bye bye
*oh yeah!
*oh my!
*uh oh!
I am sure there are more that I am just not thinking of. Cadence noticed the moon for the first time the other night and called it a ball. Faith also told me that we can't touch the sun because it is too hot and we would need to get a bandaid.
I love these little girls, as batty as they can drive me at times. I really need to write down more then things that they say so I don't forget. I seem to forget already!

This picture is from last night when Steven and I went to the Opera to see the Magic Flute. I thought with all the none-makeup pictures I posted of myself I should post one I don't look awful in!
Well, there is my summary of the last few weeks for now. I am sure I will do a summary part 2 at some later time.

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