Saturday, November 15, 2008

Car accident, pregnancy, girls and singing

On Tuesday Steven was in a car accident. He was rear ended while on his way to a rehearsal. He is fine, but the back of our Honda got smashed. I was going to post pictures, but I haven't taken them yet. Apparently he had stopped because a car ahead of him was pulling out of somewhere, so it wasn't a normal stopping spot and the car behind got caught of guard and hit Steven, which caused Steven to hit the stopped car infront of him. Steven is a little sore from the accident, but is doing well otherwise. Just waiting now to find out what happens with the insurance and all that fun stuff!

I FINALLY finished my test for my NASM recertification! I have had my certification as a personal trainer since before I had Faith, I am not really doing anything with it right now, but I don't want to let it go. I was really dragging my feet and was running out of time to get it done. With Steven's encouragment and help I was able to finish it on Friday! All I need to do now is renew my CPR and I am good to go for 2 more years! Never again will I do online tests. I will from here on out go the the 2 day seminars, so much faster and easier! Hopefully I will start applying this stuff that I know!

Just my girls from today in the car running a fast errand.

I am now 12 1/2 weeks pregnant. I feel normal again! no more morning sickness or food aversions, and I don't feel super sleepy anymore! It is wonderful to feel like myself again! It is weird though, going from feeling SOOO pregnant, to just feeling like me again. :) I am still waiting to find out about my health insurance for this pregnancy. Hopefully I will have another appointment soon. If anything I just hope to get one before Christmas so I can find out what I am having!

Here I am at 11 weeks pregnant. Yeah....#3 does show faster! Though all that tummy you see is not baby it is bloating! ha ha ha! The baby is still super low and super small!

My sleeping sweet.

Faith wanted to read to Cadence tonight, it was so sweet so I thought I would share.

1 comment:

S said...

those videos are so precious!

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