Saturday, December 6, 2008

Getting in the Christmas spirit

I have been married for 7 years, and in those 7 years I have never had a Christmas tree. WELL, technically I had a Christmas tree last year. But I don't really count that, see it was $20 from walmart and was just awful. I tossed it after Christmas instead of saving it for this year, it wasn't worth saving. Anyway, I really wanted a REAL tree this year, especially for the girls. So, I went out today and got a tree! My house already smells of pine, I love it! Steven has been singing all day today, he left at 7ish this morning and will be home after 11pm tonight. SO, I had to get the tree from off the top of my car and into my house alone! Fortunately my neighbors across street were putting up Christmas lights, so one of them offered to help me out and brought my tree inside! It was wonderful! I didn't know how I was going to get it in.

My kids are loving seeing the Christmas lights that are going up everyday. It is fun to hear Cadence oooh and ahh whenever she sees lights. Faith wakes up in the morning and mentions how there are no Christmas lights, I then have to remind her that it has to be dark to see the lights.

I will post pictures of my sadly decorated tree later on. It isn't great, but at least I have a tree!

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